FrameOverlay Method (IMFrame)
frame that overlays the source frame
X position of frame
Y position of frame
transparency: 0.0 - transparent (no mix), 1.0 - solid
additional properties
Overlay (mix) two frames with alpha, the position is from top-left corner, for 4:2:2 images (e.g. UYVY) horz position aligned by two (e.g. 21->20). Note: For ARGB32 images, alpha from images used for mix.
Sub FrameOverlay( _
   ByVal _pFrameOver As MFrame, _
   ByVal _nPosX As Integer, _
   ByVal _nPosY As Integer, _
   ByVal _dblAlpha As Double, _
   ByVal _bsPropsList As String _
void FrameOverlay( 
   MFrame _pFrameOver,
   int _nPosX,
   int _nPosY,
   double _dblAlpha,
   string _bsPropsList
procedure FrameOverlay( 
    _pFrameOver: MFrame;
    _nPosX: Integer;
    _nPosY: Integer;
    _dblAlpha: Double;
    _bsPropsList: String
void FrameOverlay( 
   MFrame* _pFrameOver,
   int _nPosX,
   int _nPosY,
   double _dblAlpha,
   BSTR* _bsPropsList


frame that overlays the source frame
X position of frame
Y position of frame
transparency: 0.0 - transparent (no mix), 1.0 - solid
additional properties

See Also


IMFrame Interface
IMFrame Members