SetVideoOutputRectWithDelay Method (IMLCharGen)
source rectangular
target rectangular
background color
index of the most top video
delay duration (in msec)
time for changes (in msec)
sets video output rectangular with delay
Sub SetVideoOutputRectWithDelay( _
   ByRef _prcSource As tagRECT, _
   ByRef _prcTarget As tagRECT, _
   ByVal _crBackColor As Integer, _
   ByVal _bTopmostVideo As Integer, _
   ByVal _nMsecDelay As Integer, _
   ByVal _nMsecForChange As Integer _


source rectangular
target rectangular
background color
index of the most top video
delay duration (in msec)
time for changes (in msec)
See Also


IMLCharGen Interface
IMLCharGen Members