MFFrameCreateFromMemEx Method (IMFFactory)
media properties
a structure of video pointer
amount of audio samples
a pointer to audio data
result MFFrame object
additional properties
Extended method to create a frame (MFFrame object) from memory
Sub MFFrameCreateFromMemEx( _
   ByRef _pAVProps As M_AV_PROPS, _
   ByRef _pVideoPtr As MF_VID_PTR, _
   ByVal _lAudioSamples As Integer, _
   ByVal _lpAudio As Long, _
   ByRef _ppFrame As MFFrame, _
   ByVal _bsPropsList As String _
void MFFrameCreateFromMemEx( 
   ref M_AV_PROPS _pAVProps,
   ref MF_VID_PTR _pVideoPtr,
   int _lAudioSamples,
   long _lpAudio,
   out MFFrame _ppFrame,
   string _bsPropsList
procedure MFFrameCreateFromMemEx( 
   var  _pAVProps: M_AV_PROPS;
   var  _pVideoPtr: MF_VID_PTR;
    _lAudioSamples: Integer;
    _lpAudio: Int64;
   Out  _ppFrame: MFFrame;
    _bsPropsList: String
void MFFrameCreateFromMemEx( 
   ref M_AV_PROPS _pAVProps,
   ref MF_VID_PTR _pVideoPtr,
   int _lAudioSamples,
   long _lpAudio,
   [PARAMFLAG::Out] MFFrame* _ppFrame,
   BSTR* _bsPropsList


media properties
a structure of video pointer
amount of audio samples
a pointer to audio data
result MFFrame object
additional properties
See Also


IMFFactory Interface
IMFFactory Members