eMBMDDeckControlError Enumeration
Enumerates the possible deck control errors.
eMDCE_BadChecksumErrorWhen sending a custom command, the deck’s response contained an invalid checksum.
eMDCE_BufferTooSmallErrorThe deck is not responding to requests.
bmdDeckControlBufferTooSmallError When sending a custom command, either the internal buffer is too small for the provided custom command (reduce the size of the custom command), or the buffer provided for the command’s response is too small (provide a larger one).
eMDCE_CommandFailedErrorA deck control command request has failed.
eMDCE_DeckTimeoutErrorDeck control timeout error
eMDCE_DeviceAlreadyOpenedErrorThe deck control device is already open.
eMDCE_EndOfTapeErrorDeck control has reached or is trying to move past the end of the tape.
eMDCE_FailedToOpenDeviceErrorDeck control failed to open the serial device.
eMDCE_InLocalModeErrorThe deck in local mode and is no longer controllable.
eMDCE_MissedInPointErrorThe in point was missed while prerolling as the current timecode has passed the begin in / capture timecode.
eMDCE_NoCommunicationErrorThe deck is not responding to requests.
eMDCE_NoErrorNo error
eMDCE_NoTapeInDeckErrorThere is currently no tape in the deck.
eMDCE_NoVideoFromCardErrorA capture or export operation was attempted when the input signal was invalid.
eMDCE_pModeErrorThe deck is not in the correct mode for the desired operation.
Eg. A play command is issued, but the current mode is not VTRControlMode
eMDCE_UnknownErrorDeck control unknown error
eMDCE_UserAbortErrorAbort an export-to-tape or capture operation.
See Also


MPLATFORMLib Namespace