StreamsRemoveByIndex Method (MMixerClass)
index of item to start remove from
number of items to be removed
Possible values:
time interval for changes in seconds
Removes multiple streams.
Public Overridable Sub StreamsRemoveByIndex( _
   ByVal _nIndex As Integer, _
   ByVal _nExtraRemove As Integer, _
   ByVal _dblTimeForChange As Double _
public virtual void StreamsRemoveByIndex( 
   int _nIndex,
   int _nExtraRemove,
   double _dblTimeForChange
public procedure StreamsRemoveByIndex( 
    _nIndex: Integer;
    _nExtraRemove: Integer;
    _dblTimeForChange: Double
); virtual; 
public: virtual void StreamsRemoveByIndex( 
   int _nIndex,
   int _nExtraRemove,
   double _dblTimeForChange


index of item to start remove from
number of items to be removed
Possible values:
  • 0 - remove single stream.
  • positive value - number of streams to be removed is calculated to the end of stream list.
  • negative value - number or streams to be removed is calculated to the beginning of stream list. If this absolute value is greater than _nIndex then all stream list items from the very beginning will be removed.
time interval for changes in seconds

Here is example of how to remove all streams without obtaining of them count

'initialize a mixer
Dim m_objMixer As New MMixerClass()
'add streams to the mixer
Dim pItem As MItem
m_objMixer.StreamsAdd("", Nothing, "C:\myFile.wmv", "", pItem, 1.0)
m_objMixer.StreamsAdd("", Nothing, "C:\myFile1.wmv", "", pItem, 1.0)
m_objMixer.StreamsAdd("", Nothing, "C:\myFile2.wmv", "", pItem, 1.0)
'remove all items
m_objMixer.StreamsRemoveByIndex(0, 1000, 2.0)
//initialize a mixer
MMixerClass m_objMixer = new MMixerClass();
//add streams to the mixer
MItem pItem;
m_objMixer.StreamsAdd("", null, @"C:\myFile.wmv", "", out pItem, 1.00);
m_objMixer.StreamsAdd("", null, @"C:\myFile1.wmv", "", out pItem, 1.00);
m_objMixer.StreamsAdd("", null, @"C:\myFile2.wmv", "", out pItem, 1.00);
//remove all items
m_objMixer.StreamsRemoveByIndex(0, 1000, 2.0);
myItem: MItem;
myMixer: MMixer;
myFile: IMfile;
myObject: IMObject;
myStreams: IMstreams;
//initialize a mixer
myMixer:= CreateComObject(CLASS_MMixer) as MMixer;
myStreams:= myMixer as IMStreams;
myFile:= myMixer as IMFile;
myObject:= myMixer as IMobject;
//add stream to the mixer
myStreams.StreamsAdd('', nil, 'C:\myFile.wmv', '', myItem, 2.0);
myStreams.StreamsAdd('', nil, 'C:\myFile1.wmv', '', myItem, 2.0);
myStreams.StreamsAdd('', nil, 'C:\myFile2.wmv', '', myItem, 2.0);
myStreams.StreamsRemoveByIndex(0, 1000, 2.0);
See Also


MMixerClass Class
MMixerClass Members