StreamsBackgroundSet Method (MMixerClass)
reference to external object (for example, live source)
path to source.
Possible values:
parameters for adding
the background item
time interval for changes in seconds
Sets the background for mixer.
Public Overridable Sub StreamsBackgroundSet( _
   ByVal _pExternOrRef As Object, _
   ByVal _bsPath As String, _
   ByVal _bsParam As String, _
   ByRef _ppItemsItem As MItem, _
   ByVal _dblTimeForChange As Double _
public virtual void StreamsBackgroundSet( 
   object _pExternOrRef,
   string _bsPath,
   string _bsParam,
   out MItem _ppItemsItem,
   double _dblTimeForChange
public procedure StreamsBackgroundSet( 
    _pExternOrRef: TObject;
    _bsPath: String;
    _bsParam: String;
   Out  _ppItemsItem: MItem;
    _dblTimeForChange: Double
); virtual; 
public: virtual void StreamsBackgroundSet( 
   IUnknown* _pExternOrRef,
   BSTR* _bsPath,
   BSTR* _bsParam,
   [PARAMFLAG::Out] MItem* _ppItemsItem,
   double _dblTimeForChange


reference to external object (for example, live source)
path to source.
Possible values:
  • color name ("red") or #RRGGBB color code;
  • "transparent" for transparent background;
  • path to media file or playlist.
  • empty string to be able to see the last frame of playlist.
parameters for adding
the background item
time interval for changes in seconds

Here is example of how to set your custom file to background of your mixer:

'initialize a mixer
Dim m_objMixer As New MMixerClass()
'add stream to the mixer
Dim pItem As MItem
m_objMixer.StreamsAdd("", Nothing, "C:\myFile.wmv", "", pItem, 1.0)
et your file to the background
Dim myBackground As MItem
myMixer.StreamsBackgroundSet(Nothing, "c:\myBack.avi", "", myBackground, 2.0)
//initialize a mixer
MMixerClass m_objMixer = new MMixerClass();
//add stream to the mixer
MItem pItem;
m_objMixer.StreamsAdd("", null, @"C:\myFile.wmv", "", out pItem, 1.00);
//set your file to the background
MItem myBackground;
myMixer.StreamsBackgroundSet(null, @"c:\myBack.avi", "", out myBackground, 2.0);
myItem, myBackground: MItem;
myMixer: MMixer;
myFile: IMfile;
myObject: IMObject;
myStreams: IMstreams;
myPath: widestring;
//initialize a mixer
myMixer:= CreateComObject(CLASS_MMixer) as MMixer;
myStreams:= myMixer as IMStreams;
myFile:= myMixer as IMFile;
myObject:= myMixer as IMobject;
//add stream to the mixer
myStreams.StreamsAdd('', nil, 'C:\myFile.wmv', '', myItem, 2.0);
myStreams.StreamsBackgroundSet(nil, 'c:\myBack.avi', '', myBackground, 2.0);
See Also


MMixerClass Class
MMixerClass Members