MFFrameCreateWrapper Method (MFactoryClass)
video properties
video data size
video data pointer in memory
wrapper object
output frame
Creates frame from object (e.g. WICBitmapLock, D3D9Surface, MediaSample, NSSBuffer - etc) - just keeps a reference to external object and use memory pointer.
Public Overridable Sub MFFrameCreateWrapper( _
   ByRef _pVidProps As M_VID_PROPS, _
   ByVal _cbVideo As UInteger, _
   ByVal _lpVideo As Long, _
   ByVal _pObject As Object, _
   ByRef _ppFrame As IMFFrame _
public virtual void MFFrameCreateWrapper( 
   ref M_VID_PROPS _pVidProps,
   uint _cbVideo,
   long _lpVideo,
   object _pObject,
   out IMFFrame _ppFrame
public procedure MFFrameCreateWrapper( 
   var  _pVidProps: M_VID_PROPS;
    _cbVideo: LongWord;
    _lpVideo: Int64;
    _pObject: TObject;
   Out  _ppFrame: IMFFrame
); virtual; 
public: virtual void MFFrameCreateWrapper( 
   ref M_VID_PROPS _pVidProps,
   uint _cbVideo,
   long _lpVideo,
   IUnknown* _pObject,
   [PARAMFLAG::Out] IMFFrame* _ppFrame


video properties
video data size
video data pointer in memory
wrapper object
output frame
See Also


MFactoryClass Class
MFactoryClass Members