OnEvent Event (MComposerClass)
This method is called when some event occurs. The video stream is blocked while this method is called.
Public Event OnEvent As IMEvents_OnEventEventHandler
public event IMEvents_OnEventEventHandler OnEvent
public event OnEvent: IMEvents_OnEventEventHandler; 
public: __event IMEvents_OnEventEventHandler* OnEvent
bsEventName bsChannelID bsEventParam pEventObject Objects and description
EOF File name only for MFilestop - file will be stopped
loop - file will be looped
next - file will be switched to the next file
break - break will be ended
MFile MFile, MPlaylist
Method is called when file is ended.
EOL Playlist name --- MPlaylist MPlaylist
Method is called when playlist is ended if loop is not set.
start File/playlist name NULL, stop-done, pause-done MFile, MPlaylist Method is called when playback is started and when stop or pause is ended.
pause File/playlist name duration of pause MFile, MPlaylist Method is called when playback is paused.
stop File/playlist name duration of stop MFile, MPlaylist Method is called when playback is stopped.
[command name] command-execute [command parameters] MFile, MPlaylist Method is called when command is executed.
break-command File/playlist name break time MPlaylist Method is called when break of command is occurred.
break-start File/playlist name break time MPlaylist Method is called when break of file is occurred.
switch Name of switching item from - link on MItem object from which the switching is occurred;
to - link on MItem object to which the switching is occurred.
MPlaylist Method is occurred when switching from item to item is occurred.
playback - switching from current item to next item;
seeking - switching from current item to seeking item;
start - switching from background item to current item;
break- switching from current item to break;
ending of break - switching from break to current item.
no_signal name of live device true - normal video signal;
false - No video signal
MLive Method is called when live signal is dissapear or appear.
error-abort writer error code, for example 0x80000003
MWriter Event is fired when during network streaming any network problems appears.


See Also


MComposerClass Class
MComposerClass Members