IMPlaylist Interface Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see IMPlaylist members.

Public Methods
 MethodPlaylistAddInserts a new item into the playlist at the specified position.  
 MethodPlaylistBackgroundGetGets the current playlist background.  
 MethodPlaylistBackgroundSetSets the background of playlist.  
 MethodPlaylistCommandAddAdds a command to the playlist.  
 MethodPlaylistGetByIndexGets the item and the item offset from the start by item index.  
 MethodPlaylistGetByOffsetGets the item in playlist by the offset time from start.  
 MethodPlaylistGetCountGets the number of the playlist items and the total playlist duration.  
 MethodPlaylistPosGetGets the current playlist position (current item index, current item time and current playlist time). The position is calculated from item in-point with calculation of all breaks.  
 MethodPlaylistPosSetSets the current playlist position to the specified file and time. The position is calculated from item in-point with calculation of all breaks.  
 MethodPlaylistRemoveRemoves the item from playlist.  
 MethodPlaylistRemoveByIndexRemoves multiple items from the playlist.  
 MethodPlaylistReorderChanges the playlist items order.  
See Also


IMPlaylist Interface
MPLATFORMLib Namespace