IMItem Interface Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see IMItem members.

Public Methods
 MethodFileFrameGetGets the video frame from the specific position of file.  
 MethodFileFrameGetByTCGets the video frame from the specific position of the file by timecode.  
 MethodFileInOutGetGet Input and Output time points of file in seconds.
If Out value less than In that means that Out value is not specified and file will be played to the end.  
 MethodFileInOutGetTCGets the in and out points as timecode.
If Out point is not specified it returns last frame timecode.  
 MethodFileInOutSetSets the Input and Output time points of a file in seconds  
 MethodFileInOutSetTCSets the In and Out points as timecode.
If Out point is less then In point then it sets out point as timecode of the clip last frame.  
 MethodFileNameGetGets the file name, the user properties and the file media information.  
 MethodFileNameSetAllows you to:
  • Set file name of currently played file.
  • Seamlessly replace currently played file to another one.
  • Set next played file. It will be played after current file is finished.
  • Insert break to file playback: interrupt current file playback, play another file till the end and resume current file playback.
  • Set properties of the file.
 MethodFilePlayPausePauses the playback.  
 MethodFilePlayStartStarts the file playback.  
 MethodFilePlayStopStops the file playback for _dblSeconds seconds. To stop file as usual use 0 secods as parameter.  
 MethodFilePosGetGets the current play position of file in seconds. The position is calculatid from the beginning of file without breaks and in-points.  
 MethodFilePosGetTCGets the position of file as timecode. The position is calculatid from the beginning of file without breaks and in-points.  
 MethodFilePosSetSets a position of file in seconds. The position is calculatid from the beginning of file without breaks and in-points.  
 MethodFilePosSetTCSets the position in file as timecode. The position is calculatid from the beginning of file without breaks and in-points.  
 MethodFileRateGetGets the playing rate of current file.
Value of rate Description
0..4x Smooth fast forward. All frames are decoded and after this frame rate is corrected.
4x..10x Hopping fast forward. For example, in 10x case there is seeking for each 10th frame.
-10x..0 Hopping back wind. For example, in -4x case there is seeking for each 4th frame in reverse direction of the playback. In this case the rate is rounded to the nearest integer value (e.g. -1.6x equals to -2x).

 MethodFileRateSetSets the playing rate of current file.
Value of rate Description
0..4x Smooth fast forward. All frames are decoded and after this frame rate is corrected.
4x..10x Hopping fast forward. For example, in 10x case there is seeking for each 10th frame.
-10x..0 Hopping back wind. For example, in -4x case there is seeking for each 4th frame in reverse direction of the playback. In this case the rate is rounded to the nearest integer value (e.g. -1.6x equals to -2x).
 MethodFileStateGetGets the current file state.  
 MethodItemCommandExecuteExecutes the command.  
 MethodItemCommandGetGets the command properties (only for command).  
 MethodItemCommandSetSets the command properties (only for command).  
 MethodItemInnerGetGets the inner object of playlist item (MFile, MLive or MPlaylist).  
 MethodItemPlayTimeGetGets the playlist item playback time including breaks.  
 MethodItemPosGetGets item position in playlist and breaks.  
 MethodItemStartTimeSetSets the absolute start time of playlist item.  
 MethodItemTimesGetGets the absolute start and stop time of playlist item.  
 MethodItemTypeGetGets the playlist item type  
See Also


IMItem Interface
MPLATFORMLib Namespace