OnEvent Method (IMEvents)
name of the object (file, playlist, live)
name of the event
additional parameters
object of the event
This method is called when some event occurs. The video stream is blocked while this method is called.


name of the object (file, playlist, live)
name of the event
additional parameters
object of the event
bsEventName bsChannelID bsEventParam pEventObject Objects and description
EOF File name only for MFilestop - file will be stopped
loop - file will be looped
next - file will be switched to the next file
break - break will be ended
MFile MFile, MPlaylist
Method is called when file is ended.
EOL Playlist name --- MPlaylist MPlaylist
Method is called when playlist is ended if loop is not set.
start File/playlist name NULL, stop-done, pause-done MFile, MPlaylist Method is called when playback is started and when stop or pause is ended.
pause File/playlist name duration of pause MFile, MPlaylist Method is called when playback is paused.
stop File/playlist name duration of stop MFile, MPlaylist Method is called when playback is stopped.
[command name] command-execute [command parameters] MFile, MPlaylist Method is called when command is executed.
break-command File/playlist name break time MPlaylist Method is called when break of command is occurred.
break-start File/playlist name break time MPlaylist Method is called when break of file is occurred.
switch Name of switching item from - link on MItem object from which the switching is occurred;
to - link on MItem object to which the switching is occurred.
MPlaylist Method is occurred when switching from item to item is occurred.
playback - switching from current item to next item;
seeking - switching from current item to seeking item;
start - switching from background item to current item;
break- switching from current item to break;
ending of break - switching from break to current item.
no_signal name of live device true - normal video signal;
false - No video signal
MLive Method is called when live signal is dissapear or appear.
error-abort writer error code, for example 0x80000003
MWriter Event is fired when during network streaming any network problems appears.

See Also


IMEvents Interface
IMEvents Members