| Name | Description |
 | AttributesBoolGet | Gets value of attribute. This method works only with attributes, whose values are boolean. |
 | AttributesBoolSet | Sets value to attribute. This method works only with attributes, whose values are boolean. |
 | AttributesClone | Creates a copy of attributes. |
 | AttributesDoubleGet | Gets value of attribute. This method works only with attributes, whose values are double. |
 | AttributesDoubleSet | Sets value to attribute. This method works only with attributes, whose values are double. |
 | AttributesGetByIndex | Gets attribute by its index. |
 | AttributesGetCount | Gets count of attributes. |
 | AttributesHave | Indicates whether the attribute is existed. |
 | AttributesInfoGet | Get attribute information (see eMInfoType for details) |
 | AttributesInfoGetByIndex | Get attribute information by index of the attribute. |
 | AttributesInfoGetCount | Gets the count of attribute information fields. |
 | AttributesIntGet | Gets value of attribute. This method works only with attributes, whose values are integer. |
 | AttributesIntSet | Sets value of attribute. This method works only with attributes, whose values are integer. |
 | AttributesMultipleSet | Sets values to collection of attributes. |
 | AttributesRemove | Removes the attribute. |
 | AttributesRemoveAll | Removes all attributes. |
 | AttributesSave | Saves all attributes to string. |
 | AttributesSet | Sets multiple attributes. |
 | AttributesStringGet | Gets value of attribute. This method works only with attributes, whose values are strings. |
 | AttributesStringSet | Sets value of attribute. This method works only with attributes, whose values are strings. |
 | AttributesValuesInfoGet | Gets information about values of the attribute |
 | ElementAbsolutePosGet | Gets absolute position of the scene element (not relative to a parent). |
 | ElementAbsolutePosSet | Sets absolute position of the scene element (not relative to a parent). |
 | ElementBoolSet | Sets attribute value smoothly during the time interval. This method works only with attributes, whose values are boolean. |
 | ElementDetach | Removes the element smoothly. |
 | ElementDoubleSet | Sets attribute value smoothly during the time interval. This method works only with attributes, whose values are double. |
 | ElementGet | Gets whole information about the element. |
 | ElementInfoGet | Gets information about this element |
 | ElementInvoke | Calls special action for the element (for example, select, highlight and so on). |
 | ElementMediaSet | Changes media content of the element (optionall with transitions). |
 | ElementMultipleSet | Sets values to collection of attributes for the element smoothly. |
 | ElementParentGet | Gets an parent element of the current element. |
 | ElementParentSet | Sets a parent element of the current element. |
 | ElementReorder | Changes the order of the element. Only for 2D case. |
 | ElementSet | Changes the whole element. |
 | ElementStringSet | Sets attribute value smoothly during the time interval. This method works only with attributes, whose values are strings. |
 | ElementTypeGet | Returns type of the element. |