MFORMATSDSLib Namespace > IMFProps Interface : PropsGetCount Method |
Sub PropsGetCount( _ ByVal _bsNodeName As String, _ ByRef _pnCount As Integer _ )
void PropsGetCount( string _bsNodeName, out int _pnCount )
procedure PropsGetCount( _bsNodeName: String; Out _pnCount: Integer );
void PropsGetCount( BSTR* _bsNodeName, [PARAMFLAG::Out] int _pnCount )
Here is example of how to get all the properties from "info" node, i.e. get all the information about a file:
string strInfo = ""; int nCount; m_objMFReader.PropsGetCount("info", out nCount); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { string strName; string strValue; int isNode; m_objMFReader.PropsGetByIndex("info", i, out strName, out strValue, out isNode); strInfo += strName + ": " + strValue + Environment.NewLine; }